Special: 2022 December Program

Bied aan vakansie uitstappies gedurende Desember 2022 / offers special December 2022 holiday packages
Vanaf / From
Na / To
Drie (3) verskillende bestemmings om van te kies op verskillende dae /
Three (3) different destinations to choose from on different days
Meer informasie en besprekings:
Detail information and reservations:
MARIANNA GLATZ : 083 511 0368 or
contact us at : imaulitours@gmail.com
or check our website at:
Option 1.
Groot Brak Rivier Toer/ Tour – Dates: 21, 24, 31 Des (AM or PM tour)
Koste/Ticket : R210/p (excl lunch)

Na ‘n wonderlike dag met die familie keer ons terug na Hartenbos.
After a wonderful day with the family we return to Hartenbos.
Option 2.
Wyn & Musiek Toer/ Tour (for adults) – Dates: 22 & 28 Des (14h00 – 22h00)
Koste/Ticket : R485/p (including wine tasting & show)

Ons vertrek teen middag vanaf Hartenbos na Herbertsdale en dan na Jakkalsvlei waar ons op die landgoed van hulle wyne gaan proe en kuier.
We embark the bus at noon in Hartenbos and travel via Herbertsdale to Jakkalsvlei. At the wine estate we relax whilst we taste their wines.

Ons ry met die bus terug in die hrigting van Mosselbaai. Ons stop by Reed Valley. Hier kuier ons oor ‘n glasie wyn, voordat ons vermaak word deur musikante.
We travel by bus back towards Mossel Bay. At Reed Valley we spend time in tasting their wines, before we enjoy an evening of life music in the Barn Yard
Na ‘n wonderlike agtermiddag van wynproe en ‘n fees van musiek ry ons laat aand terug Hartenbos toe.
After the wonderfull experience of wine tasting and an evening of music we make our way back to Hartenbos.
Option 3.
Groot Brak Pairing Toer/ Tour (for adults) – Dates: 27, 29 & 30 December (11h00 – 17h00)
Koste/Ticket : R420/p (includes all pairings & tasting)

Ons vertrek vanaf Hartenbos na Salty River Beerhouse (naby Klein Brak Rivier), waar ons die lokaal gebroude bier probeer wat ons met pizza (Ham en Pynappel) gaan kombineer.
We travel by bus from Hartenbos to the Salty River Beerhouse (near Klein Brak Rivier), where we enjoy the locally brewed beer and combine it with pizza (Ham & Pineapple).

Ons ry met die bus na Groot Brak Rivier. Daar besoek ons Twin Trees waar ons gin met vrugtesmaak proe. Daarna ry ons na Oyster World waar ons oesters met wyn gaan kombineer.
We drive with the bus to Groot Brak River. Here we visit Twin Trees where we taste gin with different fruity flavours. Afterwards we drive to Oyster World to taste their oysters and combine it with wine.

Om ons fynproewers toer af te sluit kom ons by die Groot Brak Stasie bymekaar, waarvandaan ons met die Diaz Express terugreis na Hartenbos.
To wrap up the days culinary activities we hitch a ride with the Diaz Express from Groot Brak Station back to Hartenbos.
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i-Mauli Tours are inviting you for an unforgettable hanepoot picking experience at Jakkalsvlei Private Cellar the months of February and March 2023. Just bring your scissors and we will provide the (1kg) bag for the grapes. For a mere R140/person you take a bus ride through the beautiful landscape from Mossel Bay towards Herbertdale and then onto Jakkalsvlei near the Goutritz river. You spend the morning on a farm picking grapes and then picnicking on the lawns of the premises. Pizzas & wine can be ordered from the restaurant at your own cost.
Departure is from Cattle Baron in the parking area of the Langeberg Mall, Hartenbos, is at 9h00. Our return is also by bus from Jakkalsvlei at 14h00.
For bookings contact Marianna at 083 511 0368 or e-mail to imaulitours@gmail.com

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2019 Event: visit to Albertina
In March 2019 we visited Albertina. This was special since we had an in depth explanation at Alcare about their Aloevera products, uniquely produced from aloes from this area.
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EVENT: Point of Human Origin
We had an educational day at the caves near Pinnacle Point in July 2018. A very informative day about the archeological findings of human inhabitants that occupied the caves some 16 000 years ago. i-Mauli Tours today can arrange historical and archeological trips to this place called the “Point of Human Origin”
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